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US immigration crisis sparks Harris border visit
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10:30 28/06/2021
Amid fierce criticism, US Vice President Kamala Harris recently visited the US-Mexico border to see for herself the growing US immigration crisis. Harris visited a border patrol facility and called...
Caitlyn Jenner outlines US immigration plans in governor bid
13:07 12/05/2021
Former Olympian and Kardashian family reality TV star, Caitlyn Jenner, who is running to replace Gavin Newsom in the recall election for California governor, has outlined her US immigration plans and...
Trump's US immigration stance sparks immigrant rush to become citizens
13:45 18/05/2016
Due to a fear (however unlikely it might be) that Donald Trump will become the next US President, tens of thousands of immigrants are racing to become US citizens, according to a report published by...
Hillary Clinton calls for path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
12:55 13/05/2015
Former first lady and prospective Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, has called for a 'full and equal' path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US...
Only limited US Immigration Reform likely in 2015
16:42 19/01/2015
Both Democrats and Republicans agree that the current US immigration system is broken and would like an overhaul of the system. However some observers have warned that President Barack Obama's recent...
Democrat Senators tell US immigration campaigners to focus on Boehner
18:55 28/05/2014
Campaigners for immigration reform in the US have met Democratic senators in Washington to discuss tactics. The Democratic senators have urged the campaigners to spend the summer putting as much...