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Remove US immigration from Department of Justice, say judges
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13:08 24/01/2022
US immigration lawyers and judges have urged the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship to remove responsibility for US immigration courts from the Department of Justice (DoJ)...
Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs' father was a Syrian muslim immigrant!
10:05 30/04/2016
Due to the Syrian refugee crisis and the Paris terrorist attacks on Friday 13 November 2015 there has been renewed interest in the fact that the late Steve Jobs' father is actually a Syrian muslim...
US green card errors spark national security concerns
14:28 22/03/2016
A new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report - from the Office of the Inspector General – has revealed that US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued hundreds of US green cards...
Infosys sued in US court over 'abuse' of H-1B and B-1 visas
16:59 09/08/2013
US IT workers are suing Indian software giant Infosys over alleged abuse of two US visas; the H-1B 'specialty occupation' visa and the B-1 business visa. It is also accused of discrimination against...
US Representatives face summer of immigration pressure
14:50 08/08/2013
Congressmen and women have gone home for the summer recess while Congress is closed in August. President Obama had hoped that Congress would, by now, have passed an immigration reform bill but there...
US Senators debate immigration reform
12:35 16/05/2013
The US Senate has begun to discuss the comprehensive immigration reform law that they will vote on later this year. Before the vote, various Senate committees will examine the law and propose...