
Photo by Trump White House Archived on Flickr.
US immigration: Trump plans to finish anti-immigrant wall
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11:12 02/07/2021
Former US President, Donald Trump, visited the US-Mexico border recently and announced plans to finish his anti-immigrant border wall using private funds. Trump, who failed to complete his wall using...
US immigration policy targets air travelers’ phone numbers
22:09 31/08/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : Sadly, you cannot trust Governmental organisations not to misuse data. It is bound to be the case that some people who provide their phone number to the US authorities will...
Steve Bannon arrested over US-Mexico border wall fund fraud
21:49 21/08/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : Has there been a single US President in history with more friends and associates who have been arrested as Donald Trump. Steve Bannon, former Trump Chief Strategist, has now...
US H1B visa outsourcing of Federal jobs stopped by Trump
22:35 16/08/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : Many on the extreme right such as Breitbart News make highly misleading claims about migrant workers on H1B visas . They have written recently about H1B visa workers and the...
US immigration officers union oppose Trump ICE leader nominee
0:11 19/02/2019
On February 13, a vote to approve acting director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) that deals with US visa enforcement, Ronald Vitiello, as the permanent head of the agency,...
Tommy Robinson EDL founder failed to obtain US B1 visit visa
18:52 18/11/2018
Infamous English Defence League (EDL) founder, Tommy Robinson, has failed to get a US visa following a US Congress invite to meet with Republican lawmakers. As recently reported by ,...