
Photo by Siviwe Kapteyn on Unsplash.
US immigration: Black US immigrant population rising
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9:49 26/01/2022
New research shows that one-in-ten black people living in the United States are immigrants. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of US Census Bureau data, the black immigrant population could...
No news on LSBF Tier 2 Visa Sponsorship Licence
9:43 01/03/2016
Having had its Tier 4 visa sponsorship licence to recruit international students revoked the fate of the London School of Business and Finance's (LSBF) Tier 2 Visa sponsorship licence to employ...
UK population growing fast because of immigration
13:27 07/07/2014
The UK's Office for National Statistics has released its latest mid-year population estimate which suggests that the UK population exceeded 64 million for the first time in mid-2013. The ONS...
World Cup becomes political football in US immigration game
19:43 20/06/2014
Comment by Alex Owen To many who have followed our posts on US immigration over the last couple of years, the US political system may resemble a game – a game played by two 'teams' – the Republicans...
UK's first Muslim Secretary of State says immigrants must learn English
15:23 22/05/2014
Sajid Javid, the first Muslim man in the UK cabinet, has said that immigrants to the UK should learn English and should 'respect our way of life'. Interviewed in The Sunday Telegraph newspaper, Mr...
Hispanics become largest ethnic group in California
14:16 27/03/2014
Research suggests that the Hispanic community will become the largest single ethnic grouping in California during March 2014. It is expected that Hispanics will then make up 39% of the population...