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US immigration reform takes center stage at May Day March
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13:28 03/05/2021
Hundreds of demonstrators descended on Washington D.C. on May 1 to mark International Workers’ Day and to call for US immigration reform. Many families and small children were among the demonstrators...
Immigration advocates to convert US green card holders to voters
19:25 09/02/2016
A coalition of pro-immigrant groups have joined forces to launch the 'New American Democracy Campaign' with the aim of persuading two million US green card holders to become US citizens who can vote...
Obama to hold meetings on immigration reform with business and unions
19:52 05/02/2013
The White House has announced that President Obama will be holding a series of meetings on Tuesday 12th February 2013 in support of his campaign to reform the US's immigration system. The president...
Obama owes victory to Hispanics and must reform US immigration
17:20 09/11/2012
The US presidential election is over and President Barack Obama will serve a second term as president of the United States. Exit polls show that he owes that victory in the popular vote to Latino...