UK immigration responsible for 20-year jobs boom says study
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11:55 18/12/2020
A study carried out by the Resolution Foundation think tank has found that migrants fuelled a 20-year jobs boom in Britain’s biggest cities, before the Brexit vote. According to the Resolution...
Tier 2 visa holders come under new Coronavirus furlough scheme
0:09 21/04/2020
Sanwar Ali comment: Applications can be made under the coronavirus furlough scheme from Monday 20 April as announced by Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer whose grandparents were born in Punjab...
Without UK Visas for Migrants Brits will have to work longer, warns report
17:43 28/02/2017
Research published by Oxford University reveals that current UK immigration levels are necessary if Brits don’t want to see the state pension age increased. The report from the Oxford Institute of...