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Political positions of Donald Trump

Nation of Islam leader supports Trump on Muslim immigration ban

14:16 21/02/2016
Frontrunner for the Republican nomination for the US Presidency, Donald Trump, has received backing from an unlikely source over US immigration rhetoric banning Muslims from entering the country...

Trump supports undocumented US illegal immigrant amnesty!

14:28 16/02/2016
Donald Trump is in favor of granting amnesty to the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the US , according to an opinion piece published on Newsweek online. The frontrunner for the...

Trump says Pope 'doesn't understand' US-Mexico immigration situation

12:19 16/02/2016
The one week visit of Pope Francis to Mexico, from 12 - 19 February, 2016, has been criticised by Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump. The real estate tycoon was particularly scathing of...

Anti-Muslim Immigration Trump bailed out by Muslim Saudi Prince

10:37 12/02/2016
Following on from a recent report published by – Trump loves Muslims! – A recent Twitter spat between the Republican frontrunner for the US Presidency, Donald Trump, and Prince Al-...

US Immigration – Trump loves Muslims!

15:31 01/02/2016
As long as they make money for him. It's no secret that US Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, is a racist. Much of his election campaign has focused on a hard-line and somewhat extreme...
