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Political positions of Donald Trump

What Mexican immigrants are doing to oppose Donald Trump

15:25 08/06/2016
At a press conference held in Mexico City, the Binational Coalition Against Donald Trump provided details on how Mexican civil immigrant-support organisations on both sides of the border are...

Donald Trump The last man standing hates immigrants

14:11 08/06/2016
It was about a month ago on the night of Tuesday 3 May 2016, that anti-immigration candidate Donald Trump's main rival to run as the Republican Party's U.S. presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, pulled...

Trump's US immigration stance sparks immigrant rush to become citizens

13:45 18/05/2016
Due to a fear (however unlikely it might be) that Donald Trump will become the next US President, tens of thousands of immigrants are racing to become US citizens, according to a report published by...

Rolling Stones Warn "anti-immigrant" Trump to Stop Using Music

18:27 13/05/2016
UK rock band, The Rolling Stones, have warned Donald Trump who has made numerous anti-immigration remarks (and some pro-immigration remarks as well!) to stop using their music during his Presidential...

Trumps wants more US L-1 and H-1B visa workers in the US!

14:26 18/03/2016
During a Fox News debate on March 3, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to have done a u-turn on his stance concerning entry of overseas workers on US L-1 and H-1B visas. It has...

Donald Trump: Immigration could spell 'end of Europe'

9:36 04/03/2016
In his first ever interview with the French media, Donald Trump has waded into the European Union's immigration debate, declaring that immigration could signal the 'end of Europe .' Trump, the...
