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Immigration tariff

Industry experts warn about reducing Australian immigration

13:05 24/10/2008
• Media Center » Video Immigration News The Australian government recently hinted that they may reduce immigration quotas in response to the global economic downturn. But industry experts are warning...

Australia: New seasonal worker program for Pacific Islanders

18:16 24/09/2008
• Media Center » Video Immigration News The Australian government is introducing new regulations that will allow Pacific Islanders to come to Australia as seasonal guest workers under the subclass...

Australia funds international humanitarian aid projects

15:25 28/07/2008
• Media Center » Video Immigration News The Australian government has approved AUD $6.45 million for international aid projects to help thousands of people who have fled their home countries due to...

Australia to increase skilled migration places

12:36 14/05/2008
• Media Center » Video Immigration News The Australian government announced that it would increase the number of places by 31,000 under its permanent skilled migration program. According to the...

New Australian visa for crews of luxury yachts

18:35 05/05/2008
• Media Center » Video Immigration News The Australian government will be providing a new visa for crews of luxury yachts, otherwise known as super-yachts, in an attempt to boost the growing super-...

Australian treasurer stands by immigration policies

16:41 07/04/2006
The Australian opposition leader Kim Beazley opposed the Australian Government saying that it has increased the levels of skilled migration at the expense of training Australians and therefore had...