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Charity claims no UK visas for Ukrainians they’re helping
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13:01 31/03/2022
Positive Action in Housing, a charity supporting Ukrainian refugees, claims that not a single UK visa has been issued to people that they are helping. Despite the launch of a new scheme nearly two...
Major: Cameron may be able to renegotiate EU immigration rules
9:24 03/06/2014
The former UK prime minister Sir John Major has told the BBC that his successor David Cameron has a good chance of persuading other EU countries that reform of the EU's free movement of labour rules...
UK's migrant population quadruples in 60 years
15:35 10/01/2014
The UK's Office for National Statistics has released information about the make-up of the country's immigrant population since 1951. The main finding s that the immigrant population quadrupled from 1...
US immigration reform advocates step up the pressure
13:45 15/09/2013, the online pro-immigration pressure group founded by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and other titans of the IT industry, has held a 'Day of Action' to put pressure on members of the...
Latvian immigrant investor scheme may close
15:22 04/09/2013
If you are interested in the Latvian immigrant investor scheme, call us in London on +44 (0)344 991 9222 or in Riga on (+371) 6 781 4120 There are fears that the Latvian immigrant investor programme...
Pope calls for compassion for refugees and economic migrants
11:33 09/07/2013
Pope Francis has travelled to the island of Lampedusa to make a speech calling for an end to the 'globalisation of indifference'. He said that the west has a 'brotherly responsibility' to look after...