US E2 visa and E1 visa may end for Canadians if Trump abolishes NAFTA
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19:11 15/03/2018
Thousands of Canadian investors face being locked out of America should Trump terminate NAFTA the North American Free Trade Agreement. Since 2007, 20,406 Canadians have been granted E2 treaty visas...
US Visa policy in Trump regime sees rise in Irish immigrant deportations
14:11 14/03/2018
Undocumented Irish immigrants living in the US are being deported at an alarmingly high rate, according to an immigration, detention and US citizenship counsellor based at the Irish Pastoral Centre...
Oxford professor urges UK government to cut immigration red tape
14:03 06/02/2013
An Oxford professor of economics has written an open letter to the UK's Prime Minister, David Cameron, advising him to make immigration to the UK easier in order to improve the economy. Professor...
UK must simplify immigration system says leading Indian businessman
10:21 29/01/2013
Natarajan Chandrasekaran, the chief executive of Tata Consulting Services says that the UK government should improve 'labour mobility' to increase levels of inward investment. He said 'Britain must...