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New passport rules begin today for United States

14:41 23/01/2007
• Watch This Video Americans flying to Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean better not forget their passports, effective immediately. New rules go into effect today that require them to show one to get...

Caribbean tourism industry faces hard times with new US passport rules

17:19 18/01/2007
New U.S. passport rules coming into effect next week are expected to have some negative consequences for most Caribbean islands that depend heavily on American tourism. Beginning 23 January 2007, all...

Canada and the US to implement tighter border controls

12:22 15/01/2007
• Watch This Video On Friday last week, the Canadian government unveiled a CND$432 million (USD$362 million) program to increase border control and security along the border with the United States ...

Australian citizenship test gets new study guide

12:12 12/01/2007
• Watch This Video Migrants coming to Australia will be required to take a citizenship test when applying to live in the country . A staple for preparing for this test is a booklet titled 'A Guide to...

Some Canadians could lose their citizenship on technicality

9:33 12/01/2007
• Watch This Video Second-generation Canadians born outside of the country may unknowingly lose their citizenship due to a previously unenforced immigration law requiring them to re-register by a...

Canada - Alberta & Saskatchewan short of nurses and doctors

12:38 29/12/2006
• Watch This Video Over the past several months there have been reports of shortages for doctors and nurses in several regions of Canada . In some cases, hospitals have been closing down beds on some...
