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Migrants coming to Australia will be required to take a citizenship test when applying to live in the country. A staple for preparing for this test is a booklet titled 'A Guide to Australian Life', based on a similar UK booklet.
The guide, printed entirely in English, will be compulsory reading. The booklet is in line with new legislation outlining citizenship requirements introduced by Andrew Robb, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.
The citizenship test will be comprised of a written English language exam and 30 multiple choice questions, randomly generated from a pool of 200, quizzing migrants on Australian life and values.
Robb studied examples from Canada, Holland and the United States, and decided the British guide, titled 'Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey To Citizenship', would be the most suitable model.
Prospective citizens can study up on topics including history and culture, even including pointers on pub etiquette.
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• New UK citizenship test to start on 1 Nov. [ 2005 ]