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UK visa fee waiver targeted for veterans
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10:46 09/12/2021
Two MPs are reportedly trying to force the UK government to waive UK visa fees for foreign nationals who have served the British military and want to remain in the country. Labour’s Dan Jarvis and...
UK visa fees could be waived for non-British military
11:16 30/05/2021
The British government has launched a consultation with a view to waiving UK visa fees for non-UK military personnel serving in the British Armed Forces. The consultation was recently launched by UK...
UK immigration protections for Fijian veterans urged
21:31 06/12/2020
Campaigners have urged the UK government to protect the immigration rights of eight Fijian veterans who served in the British Army. In August, reported that the veterans had pursued a...
Serious concerns over UK visa decisions made by Home Office
20:47 13/11/2018
Amid an increasing number of bad UK visa decisions being overturned following media exposure, the Home Office is being accused of operating in a ‘continuous state of disaster management.’ Sanwar Ali...
British Army Interpreter Denied UK Immigration Asylum
10:38 08/04/2015
An interpreter from Afghanistan has been denied asylum by UK immigration despite saving the lives of British soldiers'. His work for British Forces attracted the attention of the Taliban which...
UK's migrant population quadruples in 60 years
15:35 10/01/2014
The UK's Office for National Statistics has released information about the make-up of the country's immigrant population since 1951. The main finding s that the immigrant population quadrupled from 1...