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The Apprentice

US Visas help in new Los Angeles office to aid immigrants

13:36 10/03/2017
Following a public hearing marred by angry clashes between supporters of Donald Trump who is now President and pro-immigration campaigners, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the...

President Trump and what Americans really think about Immigrants on US visas

0:05 25/01/2017
President Trump won the elections despite what many people may be surprised to hear is a pro immigrant bias amongst the electorate. A new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center - a non-partisan...

Donald Trump wants to help illegal immigrants obtain US immigrant visas!

21:01 19/01/2017
Comments made by incoming US president, Donald Trump , during his ‘Person of the Year’ interview with Time Magazine over illegal immigrants have left US immigration hardliners bewildered. A rare show...

US immigration and possibility of Trump ‘Muslim Registry’

5:13 26/11/2016
There seems to be disagreement amongst President-elect Trump’s transition team about what Donald Trump really wants. “The Donald” also known as the “Glorious Leader” on a neo-nazi website may have...

Muslim immigration ban will keep US safe says Donald Trump

11:15 25/06/2016
In the wake of the recent shootings in Orlando, which saw 49 people shot dead and 53 wounded at Pulse – a popular gay club - Donald Trump has claimed that only he can 'make America safe again.' In a...

Mexican immigrant trolls Donald Trump from a Trump Tower

14:48 07/05/2016
Diego Saul Reyna, a Mexican immigrant construction worker, recently trolled Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump via his Facebook page by posting a picture of himself atop a newly...
