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300,000 US work visas set to be offered to Central Americans
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9:57 07/07/2022
According to Mexico’s Interior Minister, Adan Augusto Lopez, the Biden administration is set to offer up to 300,000 US work visas to Mexicans and Central Americans. Mexican President, Andrés Manuel...
Trump US visa crackdown in Havana enrages Cubans
14:36 16/11/2017
A decision by the United States government to cease US visa processing at its embassy in Cuba’s capital city, Havana, has left Cuban citizens ‘heartbroken and enraged.’ Cuban nationals argue that the...
US grants ten percent of requested visas in India
11:17 18/04/2005
Some 500,000 Indians aspire to visit the United States every year, but the American government issues only about 55,000 visas , the Times of India reported on 15 April. This is due to lack of...
US - Class Action Suit Over Green Card Delays
17:19 21/10/2004
A federal judge has granted class action suit status, nationwide, to a lawsuit aginst U.S. immigration officials for stalling green card applications. Thousands of immigrants are now able to...