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The United States Senate has begun a bipartisan investigation into alleged abuses of the U.S. H-1B visa program. Senators Richard Durbin and Charles Grassley sent letters to a number of foreign-owned firms requesting that they provide detailed information as to how many H-1B visas they have obtained and the exact use to which they are being put.
The provincial government of Alberta and the federal government of Canada have entered into a new immigration agreement. Alberta will have authority to directly nominate more immigrants who have skills critically needed in the province. The federal government will fast-track the process for provincial nominations. The current annual quota of 2,500 immigrants for Alberta will be increased to 25,000 over the next ten years.
The European Union has published the second version of its "handbook on integration," a guidance for Member States to follow in developing immigration-related policy. Significant steps have been taken to provide uniform rights for immigrants working in the EU, and the bloc is debating a "Blue Card" work permit for the EU. Sanctions against companies that hire illegal workers are proposed. ?825 million in funding for programs to assist with integration issues will be provided over the next seven years.
The Italian government has issued a new decree to ease some of the immigration requirements into Italy. The reforms would allow foreigners who are sponsored by a private citizen or an institution to enter the country without already having a job. The system for approval will be streamlined, with some categories fast-tracked. Annual quotas on immigration will be removed, residence permits will become easier to obtain, and detention policies will be reformed, with some detention centers being closed. The goal is to increase the percentage of legal immigrants in the country to help the economy.
Despite many recent successes in immigration reform in New Zealand, the country is not receiving as many immigrants as the government believes are needed to maintain it economic success. There are numerous efforts to attract skilled professionals to New Zealand, specifically targeting the talents that the country requires.
Immigration Minister David Cunliffe drew attention to the Immigration Change Programme in New Zealand in a speech last week. He emphasized New Zealands need for immigration and addressed some of the difficulties of increased global competition for skilled workers.
Last week the government of Australia announced an increase in the quota of subclass 457 visas for skilled workers. However, the state government of Western Australia has responded that their territory requires another 60,000 immigrants over the next ten years.
Workers traveling on ships have been able to enter Australia under relaxed rules, until now. Last week the Parliament passed an immigration amendment that requires a special class of visa for all crewmembers on ships that visit Australia. The measure is designed to increase border security and aid in customs work.
From January 1st 2008, it will become mandatory for foreign sea crew traveling to Australia to hold Maritime Crew Visas. Seafarers and the maritime industry in general may begin applying for the new class of visas from July 1st of this year.
South Africa will host the FIFA World Cup in 2010, which has resulted in an economic boom. A labor shortage in several skill areas is being felt, and the country is trying to entice immigrant workers to South Africa to take advantage of the boom. People with needed qualifications are currently able to enter South Africa and seek employment without first having a job offer. Employers are not currently required to show that a South African could not be found to fill the vacancy before recruiting from abroad. Increased quotas for work permits have also been announced.
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