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Membership of the European Union in 2004 has led to significant population increases according to the Slovenian government's statistics agency.
According to recent Eurostat figures Slovenia has seen the third highest increase in immigration in the EU in 2007. The first was the Czech Republic, with a 141.8% growth over the previous year, and Denmark, with 131.7% growth.
In 2007, 29,193 people immigrated to Slovenia, an increase of 45.8% over 2006. The nation's population increased by 14,250 people in 2007 as a result of immigration. July 2007 estimates place Slovenia's population at 2,009,245 people.
Migration into the country increased by 127% over the previous year. Immigration has been increasing annually at an average rate of 50% since its accession to the European Union in 2004.
The largest percentage of immigrants (85.4%) in 2007 originated from the ex-Yugoslav republics, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia; 12,479 people immigrated from Bosnia and Herzegovina, accounting for 45.4% of all foreigners to immigrate to Slovenia in 2007; The second largest immigration group originated from Serbia (6,368), followed by Macedonia (3,163).
More than 82% of immigrants entering Slovenia in 2007 were men. Most immigrants arrived in Slovenia for the purpose of employment. Slovenia enjoys the highest GDP per captita of the eight former Communist nations that joined the EU in 2004.