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United States of America

visa free travel

19:35 19/11/2008
From 17 November, 2008 citizens of six additional EU countries can travel to the United States without first obtaining a visa.

immigrant groups march

17:54 19/11/2008
Immigrant rights organizations have planned a major march in Washington on 21 January, the day after Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th US president.

Bush effects on immigration

17:02 12/11/2008
According to US authorities, in the last year the government arrested and deported record numbers of illegal immigrants whilst in the same period it naturalized a record number of new Americans.

Green Card Lottery

16:15 12/11/2008
Entries to the United States 2010 Diversity Visa Lottery must be received by noon on 01 December, 2008.

Obama`s aunt deportation

11:10 12/11/2008
The paternal aunt of President-elect, Barack Obama, is to fight a US Government move to deport her to her native Kenya.

New US president

10:10 05/11/2008
Obama has voiced his support for US immigration reform in the past, both with regard to helping the growing Hispanic population and on the issue of increasing skilled immigration to help the U.S...
