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White House

DACA immigrants risk US visa status amid George Floyd protests

1:31 10/06/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : Astonishing things are happening around the World since the death of George Floyd . It seems that Minneapolis Police are going to be disbanded . It was a Minneapolis Police...

US immigration agencies to assist amid George Floyd protests

1:57 03/06/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : It is not just in the US that there is a problem. There have been a number of deaths of black people in custody in the UK as well. It seems that in the UK a number of...

US Citizenship and Immigration Services staff face furlough

10:08 02/06/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : We are still waiting to hear if there will be a temporary non-immigrant worker visa ban for certain US visa categories. The current coronavirus COVID-19 situation may be used...

US Citizenship and Immigration Services on brink of collapse

0:41 20/05/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali The US probably has the most complex immigration system in the World. The amount of documentation required for many US visa applications to USCIS, headed by immigration...

US coronavirus border restrictions to be extended indefinitely

0:36 16/05/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : There are conflicting opinions in the White House amongst Donald Trump’s senior advisers on US immigration policy. Jared Kushner Trump’s son-in-law has a more liberal view on...

Sanwar Ali: US visas, coronavirus and travel ban latest

2:02 04/05/2020
By Sanwar Ali : Like many other Countries there are significant delays in obtaining visas and there are fewer flights. There have been a number of demonstrations in the US against the coronavirus “...
