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Obama restates intention to reform US immigration system

16:42 03/12/2012
President Obama told a news conference on Tuesday 27th November 2012 that he intended to reform the US's immigration system. He was speaking at a joint press conference with the Mexican president...

US Congress to vote on STEM jobs act

17:14 30/11/2012
President Obama has been re-elected and will be inaugurated as president again in January. But, in the last days of the President's first term as president, there is some hope that legislation will...

Democrat and Republican Senators revive US immigration reform bill

14:11 13/11/2012
Less than a week after the Republicans lost the US presidential election, there are signs that the US's stalemate on illegal immigration may be resolved. The Schumer Graham bill would, in effect,...

Obama owes victory to Hispanics and must reform US immigration

17:20 09/11/2012
The US presidential election is over and President Barack Obama will serve a second term as president of the United States. Exit polls show that he owes that victory in the popular vote to Latino...

Index weighs effects of migration on developing world

13:30 17/10/2012
A newly compiled index has ranked the world's 27 richest countries according to how their migration policies will affect the developing world. The Commitment to Development Index rated the countries...

Immigration reform law would create 1.4m jobs in US says report

13:01 03/10/2012
A report published by the left-of-centre Washington think tank The Center for American Progress says that passing the DREAM Act would add US$329bn to the US economy by 2030. 1.4m jobs would also be...
