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French government faces challenges with immigration laws

13:02 28/04/2006
France is suffering due to a domestic labour force that does not have the relevant skills necessary for the economy and levels of unemployment that have been a constant problem for the country for...

150,000 Germans left Germany in 2004, highest since 1940s

14:26 02/01/2006
Germans are leaving their country in record numbers, but unlike previous waves of migrants who fled 19th century poverty or 1930s Nazi terror, these modern day refugees are trying to escape a new...

Less immigration to New Zealand linked to higher unemployment

17:43 08/06/2005
New Zealand's unemployment rate could rise as much as 0.5 percentage points in the next couple of years due to an expected decrease in new immigrants, according to the International Monetary Fund (...

Australian unemployment rate at 14-year low

12:50 11/12/2003
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) announced today that over 20,000 new jobs were created in Australia in November of this year, which means that the unemployment rate has dropped to 5.6%, a...
