Total UK immigration amnesty for Grenfell Tower survivors, say volunteers
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17:40 03/08/2017
Volunteers coming to the aid of stricken Grenfell Tower survivors say that fears over their migration status continues to prevent people from coming forward to seek help. It’s understood that the UK...
Tier 2 visa pivotal for recruitment of 2,000 NHS doctors to meet government targets
17:25 03/08/2017
The NHS will recruit 2,000 foreign doctors to meet UK government targets. Simon Stevens, the head of NHS England, announced that four times the planned number of 500 extra doctors are needed to...
Scotland to ‘tweak’ UK Tier 2 visa to keep EU migrants in the country
22:39 19/07/2017
A detailed outline, which involves ‘tweaking’ the current Tier 2 visa, has been drawn up for Scotland with a view to keeping EU immigrants in the country. The plan, developed by experts at the...
UK Visa Department unsure how many foreign teachers on Tier 2 visas will have to leave after five years in UK
19:17 31/05/2017
The Home Office has admitted that it does not know how many foreign teachers in the UK will have to leave at the end of five years in the UK because of new Tier 2 visa rules. On April 6, 2016,...
Net UK visa numbers need to be at 200,000 a year says report during General Election Campaign
10:10 31/05/2017
A leading think tank says that net annual UK visa numbers need to be at 200,000 to avoid the collapse of the British economy, post-Brexit. Presumably many of these people will be employed by...
Companies face more Home Office UK Tier 2 Sponsorship Licence and Tier 2 visa inspections
22:20 26/05/2017
Chinese state-owned telecoms giant, ZTE is a recent victim of the UK government’s Tier 2 visa sponsor licence inspections. The Home Office has suspended ZTE from the Tier 2 Sponsorship Licence scheme...