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Social Issues

US' new budget bill does not include more H1B visas

9:05 20/12/2005
A Senate-passed measure to provide additional foreign worker visas for the high-tech and specialty fields was dropped from a budget bill that passed the House early Dec. 19, disappointing technology...

Civil Unions begin in UK

18:08 16/12/2005
Hundreds of same-sex couples in the United Kingdom have flocked to government offices to file for civil partnerships in the last week. Thomas Bauer said he mentioned in the barbershop that he had...

Opinion: a US immigration story & the law of "illegal presence"

10:38 16/12/2005
This opinion piece comes from Please note that this does not necessarily reflect the views of This week the Congress will take up, the "Border Protection,...

Study finds what migrants think of Australia

10:15 15/12/2005
With racial tensions rising around the nation, timely new research looks at what migrants truly think of Australia and Australians, and vice versa. The report, by Adelaide University, has been...

UK citizens emigrating from UK in higher numbers

15:04 14/12/2005
While few would dispute the fact that the UK is clearly a popular choice for inward migration, many may be surprised to discover the number of UK citizens that regularly embark on a new life abroad...

One in 10 UK workers is an immigrant

12:18 13/12/2005
One in 10 workers in the UK was born abroad, according to research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies. More than a third of working-age immigrants arrived in the UK during the past decade, according...
