Global immigration benefits from resumed Air Travel
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17:15 23/04/2010
The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull on Thursday resulted in a Europe wide ban on air travel that lasted almost a week. It was only on the evening of Tuesday this week that the ban...
UK Immigration Policy and the General Election
19:59 20/04/2010
In the last week opinion polls have shown an increase in support for the Liberal Democrats who probably have more liberal policies on immigration than the Conservative or Labour Party. For example...
Australian Business Immigration requirements become tougher
19:48 20/04/2010
It is now more difficult if you wish to come under an Australian business skills immigration program. Australian immigration has said the following: "Business owners and senior executives are now...
Canada Immigration and British Columbia in New Immigration Agreement
13:15 19/04/2010
Recently Dr. Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary to Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, and Moira Stilwell, B.C. Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development, signed the new Canada-...
UK General Election and Immigration Cuts
12:59 08/04/2010
On 6 April 2010 it was announced that the next UK General Election will take place on 6 May 2010. According to recent opinion polls it seems likely that after the General Election there will be a new...
UK Prime Minister speech on immigration measures
15:52 06/04/2010
The UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said recently that the UK immigration system is now based on a "controlled and fair" points-based system . Home Secretary Alan Johnson was also present during...