UK immigration outlines new security standards for UK borders
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9:08 17/03/2012
UK Immigration Minister Damien Green announced that there will be specific minimum standards for border checks. This follow concerns last year that UK immigration officers were acting without...
Canadian Immigration redesigns website to help employers find skilled workers
13:44 15/03/2012
Canadian Immigration announced last week that they will provide more help to local employers seeking to recruit immigrant workers from abroad for both permanent and temporary positions. Canadian...
New website aims to connect immigrants with employers in Toronto
11:57 15/03/2012
Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) launched a the Professional Immigrant Networks website last month to help connect immigrants with jobs. Financed by Citizenship and Immigration...
Immigration New Zealand announces plans to attract more immigrants and simplify visa process
9:17 15/03/2012
New Zealand Immigration Minister Nathan Guy has given his support to Immigration New Zealand and their proposed plans for the department which it hopes will lead to further improvements in its...
Australian immigration announces changes to the permanent employer-sponsored visa program
19:40 14/03/2012
Australian Immigration and Citizenship Minister Chris Bowen has announced significant changes to simplify the process for the permanent employer-sponsored visa program. The changes will affect the...
UK Union argue new Tier 5 visa rules could increase abuse of domestic workers
12:06 14/03/2012
Unite the Union, Britain's biggest worker's union, has urged UK immigration to drop reforms of Tier 5 domestic worker visas that were announced by the Home Office on 29 February. They claim that such...