Indian immigration accuses US embassy teachers of visa fraud
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18:39 31/01/2014
Indian immigration authorities have accused staff at the US embassy school in New Delhi of tax and visa offences. This is being seen as retaliation for the arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York...
UK's attitude to EU immigration hardens
18:55 30/01/2014
Polls show that almost half of UK citizens do not believe that Romanians and Bulgarians should be allowed to live and work in the UK. More than half of people questioned in another recent poll...
UK to prevent EU migrants from claiming housing benefit
18:01 30/01/2014
The UK's Coalition government has announced that it will change the law so that immigrants from the EU will no longer be able to claim housing benefit after April 1st 2014. The Work and Pensions...
New Zealand census leads to calls for increased immigration
17:31 29/01/2014
New Zealand's most read newspaper, The New Zealand Herald, has called on the government to dramatically increase the level of immigration to help the economy. In an editorial comment piece, the paper...
UK employers believe migrants have better skills and motivation
14:04 29/01/2014
A poll conducted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development has found that a majority of UK employers believe that immigrants have better qualifications, skills and motivation than British...
Australian industry lobbies for increase in immigration
10:52 27/01/2014
The Australian Industry Group, (Ai Group) a pressure group that lobbies on behalf of Australian industry, has called on the country's Coalition government to raise the number of immigrants admitted...