US companies want more visas for unskilled foreign workers
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15:19 02/05/2005
Small-business owners in the US who rely on international workers say they need more H2B visas to be available for foreign workers. The US government offered 66,000 visas under the H2B program, but...
US lawmakers open debate on temporary work visas
17:39 15/04/2005
The United States Senate opened an immigration debate on April 14 on agricultural guest worker visas that many lawmakers had hoped to postpone. A House and Senate negotiating session later this year...
US congress supports tough new immigration laws
12:34 14/02/2005
America's House of Representatives has approved tough new immigration legislation on February 11, the BBC reports. If the bill ever becomes law the following changes will occur: It will be easier to...
Bush continues pushing US immigration reform
13:47 27/01/2005
In spite of growing opposition from his own party, President George Bush yesterday reaffirmed that changes to US immigration rules will be one of the top priorities of his second term, the Houston...
US - New law expected to tighten visa application requirements
19:34 15/12/2004
After weeks of fighting, both the House of Representatives and the Senate passed a bill which implements the 9/11 Commission recommendations. President George W. Bush is expected to sign it into law...
US Congress approves delay on biometric passports
15:42 24/07/2004
The Senate has approved legislation to allow countries whose citizens do not require visas to enter the United States to get an additional year to issue new tamperproof, biometric passports. The bill...