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Republican Party

Business group prepares to spend big money for US immigration reform

17:51 22/01/2013
A group of US business leaders has announced that it is to create a fund to finance a campaign in favour of immigration reform. Carlos Gutierrez, who was commerce secretary under George W Bush, and...

White House to campaign for immigration reform in 2013

14:44 31/12/2012
President Obama has told Latino pressure groups that he will do everything he can to reform the US's immigration system in 2013. But first, he has asked for their help in helping to pull the US back...

Democrat and Republican Senators revive US immigration reform bill

14:11 13/11/2012
Less than a week after the Republicans lost the US presidential election, there are signs that the US's stalemate on illegal immigration may be resolved. The Schumer Graham bill would, in effect,...

US IT firms press Obama to increase number of STEM visas

10:16 08/11/2012
The US presidential election cost over $2bn according the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a US think tank. For the first time, businesses were able to donate through Political Action Committees...

Immigration policy moves to centre stage in US election campaign

17:46 24/08/2012
An advisor to Mitt Romney has launched a lawsuit attacking President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme, thereby making illegal immigration a hot election issue. Kris...

US Republican party shuts down immigration reform debate

13:28 22/06/2006
The on-going debate on immigration reform for the United States took a nasty partisan turn this week as the controlling conservative faction dug in its heels on several points. "There will be no path...
