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UK minister rules out illegal immigration amnesty

11:46 03/10/2013
The UK's Home Secretary, Theresa May MP, has said that the UK has no intention of granting an amnesty to illegal immigrants currently in the country. She says that this would 'send out the wrong...

US immigration reformers push Obama for executive action

18:42 21/09/2013
Supporters of radical immigration reform in the US are trying to persuade President Obama to use his presidential powers to cut through the 'gridlock' in Washington and introduce immigration reform...

US immigration reform advocates step up the pressure

13:45 15/09/2013, the online pro-immigration pressure group founded by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and other titans of the IT industry, has held a 'Day of Action' to put pressure on members of the...

Senior Republican says no to US illegal immigration reform

18:42 27/08/2013
A senior Republican Congressman has said that he is opposed to the creation of a 'pathway to citizenship' for all illegal immigrants in the US. This may signal a hardening of attitudes of Republicans...

Overseas students say 'UK immigration cap' makes them feel less welcome

13:32 28/06/2013
A poll of international students carried out on behalf of a UK trades union has found that over half of foreign students questioned said that 'the government's immigration cap makes them feel less...

Indian MPs lobby US Congress over immigration reform

12:15 07/06/2013
Seven Indian MPs have travelled to Washington to lobby Congressmen about the comprehensive immigration reform act currently being debated by the US Congress. The MPs say that proposed changes to the...
