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Shortage of nursing staff in US

18:03 27/03/2006
The US is suffering from a nursing shortage, with employers and educators resorting to all sorts of tricks to attract and keep nursing staff. In Spartanbury, South Carolina, nurses are eagerly...

US looks abroad for nurses, especially to Philippines

14:41 06/03/2006
The Christian Science Monitor this week reports on the serious nursing deficit in the United States . The joke circulating among doctors in the Philippines goes something like this: What's the new...

US state of Florida desperate for nurses, looks overseas

13:28 20/02/2006
A shortage of nurses throughout the US state of Florida isn't showing any signs of easing despite the best plans by hospitals to fill vacancies, newly released statistics show. The Florida Hospital...

Record numbers of Britons leave for better lives abroad

10:35 20/02/2006
Record numbers of people are leaving Britain to live and work abroad, figures show. More than 350,000 men and women are emigrating every year, a rise of 30 per cent in 10 years, The Independent...

Australia attracting foreign doctors, nurses

13:20 16/01/2006
More than 800 overseas doctors, nurses and other health professionals have expressed interest in moving to South Australia, thanks to successful employment expos held in Great Britain, Europe and...

UK agencies hiring poorest nations' nurses

9:14 21/12/2005
Thousands of nurses and midwives are still being hired from the world's poorest countries to work in the UK in spite of government attempts to restrict recruitment by private agencies, the Guardian...
