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Australia moves toward offshore health tests for immigrants

17:03 17/04/2007
• Watch This Video On Friday, 13 April 2007, Australia 's Prime Minister, John Howard, called for a ban on HIV-positive immigrants entering the country. The statement ignited immediate controversy...

Australia photo ID card for benefits due by 2010

18:15 28/08/2006
• Watch This Video In a bid to replace up to 17 separate cards currently required for Medicare benefits, family tax, child-care and unemployment payments, pensions, Austudy and pharmaceutical and...

US to eliminate social benefits for immigrants

12:41 10/11/2005
The US Senate approved a bill eliminating social benefits for legal immigrants, arguing that it will save the Federal Budget 35 billion dollars over the next five years. The New York daily Tribuna...

Immigrants not hurting US health care system: study

15:40 26/07/2005
A report released on 25 July found that immigrants are not swamping the U.S. health care system and use it far less than native-born Americans. The study, published in the American Journal of Public...
