UK Immigration - Shortage occupation list changes now in effect for Tier 2 visas
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18:37 16/11/2011
UK immigration's shortage occupation list changes for the Tier 2 immigration route is now in effect. The changes affect those applying for Tier 2 visas, making it more difficult for some workers to...
Australian immigration announces events to recruit UK skilled workers
16:04 16/11/2011
Australia's Department of Immigration and Citizenship has announced they will be hosting two informational sessions in London for skilled workers in the UK to enable them to find new opportunities to...
Irish emigration levels highest since nineteenth century
10:51 14/11/2011
As the one year anniversary of Ireland's 85 billion euro international rescue bailout approaches, Ireland continues to experience high unemployment rates and financial difficulties, with an estimated...
Canadian Experience Visa Class offers faster option for permanent residency
18:03 11/11/2011
Canada is attracting increasing numbers of economic immigrants applying for permanent residence through the Canadian Experience Visa immigration stream, according to Canadian Immigration Minister...
UK immigration to introduce "fast track" for Tier 2 visa sponsors
15:13 11/11/2011
The UK Border Agency is set to announce new policies to make it quicker for British employers to hire migrant workers under the Tier 2 and Tier 5 visa system by paying a substantial additional fee to...
Australia experiencing serious skills shortage - More immigration needed
13:29 10/11/2011
Australia is expected to face a serious shortage of professionals and tradespeople within the next 15 years; According to an analysis of retirement patterns in by the Australian Bureau of Statistics...