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US Congress unable to agree on technology work visas

10:03 20/09/2012
Republicans and Democrats are unable to reach agreement in the United States Congress over legislation that would allow more foreign-born graduates from US universities to get visas allowing them to...

Report criticises Canada's Temporary Migration Program

14:39 19/09/2012
A report published yesterday, September 18th 2012 says that the Canadian Temporary Foreign Worker Program and the separate provincial temporary worker programs, create problems for low-paid temporary...

Australia says enterprise migration agreements will continue

9:59 19/09/2012
The Australian government has said that it will continue to enter into controversial Enterprise Migration Agreements with mining companies despite a slowdown in the economy and growing union...

Canadian economy 'will need 350,000 immigrants annually from 2016'

16:12 17/09/2012
A report issued by the Toronto Dominion Bank says that, because the Canadian labour force is ageing, from 2016 Canada will need 350,000 migrants annually to maintain adequate growth in the workforce...

Business NZ urges New Zealand government to do more to attract immigrants

19:01 07/09/2012
Business NZ, a leading pro-business lobby group in New Zealand, says that there are many vacancies in the New Zealand economy that need filling. It has called on the government to do more to attract...

Australia targets new law at employers of illegal workers

15:37 23/08/2012
The Australian government has announced a consultation on draft legislation intended to protect the Australian labour market from firms which knowingly employ illegal labour. Chris Bowen MP, the...
