More Opportunities as World economy recovers
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16:00 25/09/2009
The world's economy took a hit after the global financial meltdown in 2008. Despite this many countries are still maintaining active immigration policies designed to attract skilled overseas talent...
European Blue Card to help ease skills shortages
18:57 04/08/2009
In late spring of this year, the European Parliament adopted a measure to help deal with the problem of an aging population and declining hghly skilled workforce; the so-called Blue Card . Following...
European Union decides to go ahead with Blue Card
12:37 03/06/2009
The EU has had to deal with a falling birth rate and increased competition for skilled worker s from non EU Countries. The EU "Blue Card" will make the EU more attractive for immigrants. Skilled...
Switzerland: 25th signatory to the Schengen Agreement
11:55 17/12/2008
On 12 December, Switzerland added its name to the list of countries that have adopted the Schengen Agreement and In doing so became the 25th member of the group, which has no border controls for...
EU population approaching half a billion due to migration
10:32 16/12/2008
A net inflow of migrants helped push the population of the European Union close to half a billion people in 2008 according to figures released this week in Brussels. The data released by the 27-...
Ireland may impose tougher visa rules on nationals of 11 countries
10:23 27/11/2008
The Irish Government is to consider the introduction of new visa requirements for visitors from 11 non-EU countries, a move which would reflect the possible stance of the UK authorities. The...