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Immigration reform

US Senators debate immigration reform

12:35 16/05/2013
The US Senate has begun to discuss the comprehensive immigration reform law that they will vote on later this year. Before the vote, various Senate committees will examine the law and propose...

UK government announces immigration reform bill

9:50 10/05/2013
The UK government says that it intends to pass legislation that they say will encourage people who want to contribute to the country but discourage those who want to take advantage of the UK's social...

Tens of thousands march in support of US immigration reform on May Day

9:33 07/05/2013
People across America took advantage of the May Day bank holiday to march in support of immigration reform. In cities across the US on May 1st 2013, there were demonstrations with thousands of people...

UK will limit immigrants' right to challenge immigration decisions

18:57 30/04/2013
Chris Grayling, the UK's Lord Chancellor, (as the justice minister is called in the UK) has announced changes to the justice system which will limit the right of people to use the courts to challenge...

US Congress announces June vote on immigration reform

10:03 26/04/2013
The US Congress has announced that it will vote in June on the immigration reform bill prepared by the so-called 'Gang of Eight'. The Gang of Eight is made up of four Republicans and four Democrats...

US Senators release draft comprehensive immigration reform bill

9:12 23/04/2013
The so called 'Gang of Eight' has released details of the draft immigration reform bill it has been working on since January. The Gang of Eight are eight senators, four Democrat and four Republican,...
