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Economic migrant

EU population approaching half a billion due to migration

10:32 16/12/2008
A net inflow of migrants helped push the population of the European Union close to half a billion people in 2008 according to figures released this week in Brussels. The data released by the 27-...

Study finds that the UK needs immigrants

16:25 23/12/2007
• Media Center » Video Immigration News A report released by Ernst & Young ITEM Club entitled 'Migration and the UK economy' looked at the economic impact of migration during the last decade in...

Ireland needs 500,000 workers, calls for immigration policy review

13:33 11/01/2007
• Watch This Video More than 2,500 migrants are seeking jobs through Ireland's National Training and Employment Authority (FÁS) on any given day, recent information in Ireland suggests. The figure...

Australia's new immigrants find jobs quickly

18:18 05/12/2005
New migrants to Australia are finding employment faster than ever before according to a new survey conducted by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA). The...

Migrants promote economic growth in Europe, study concludes

10:33 13/05/2005
An increase in immigration leads to economic growth in Europe -- not to job losses, as popularly feared -- according to a report published 13 May. The study into the effect of immigration on wages...
