UK's doctors and dentists criticise government's immigration reform plans
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12:15 23/05/2013
The British Dental Association has joined the Royal College of GPs in expressing concern about the UK government's proposed immigration reforms. On May 8th 2013, the UK's Coalition government...
UK's student union criticises government's student immigration policy
11:18 13/05/2013
An officer of the UK's National Union of Students (NUS) has criticised the UK's Coalition government saying that its immigration policy makes international students 'feel unwelcome with ever more...
Murdoch enters Australian 457 temporary work visa debate
16:26 05/04/2013
Rupert Murdoch, the international media mogul, has criticised the Australian government's public pronouncements on skilled work based immigration saying that they have been 'disgraceful and racist'...
UK ministers considered barring children of illegal immigrants from schools
17:35 03/04/2013
The Guardian, a national UK newspaper, has received a leaked email trail from UK civil servants which seems to show that UK ministers considered the possibility of preventing the children of illegal...
UK minister says Romanian UK Immigration estimates are 'meaningless'
11:24 26/03/2013
Eric Pickles, the UK's Communities Minister, has revealed that a UK government report estimates that 12,700 Romanians and Bulgarians will settle in the UK in 2014. Speaking on 18th March 2013, Mr...
Deputy Prime Minister calls for UK immigration 'security bonds'
9:00 25/03/2013
The UK's Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg MP, has made a speech on immigration in which he proposed the introduction of a system of bond payments in order to prevent people coming to the UK from...