Tsunami Disaster Relief Appeal
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16:22 30/12/2004
We at workpermit.com would like to extend our condolences to those who have lost family members, relatives and loved ones in the South East Asia earthquake. There are still many thousands of people...
New Zealand - Visa waivers for new EU states
14:46 29/12/2004
Prime Minister Helen Clark announced Dec. 27 that New Zealand isextending visa-free arrangements to six new European Union memberstates, whose citizens have until now required tourist visas to...
New Zealand Skills shortage lists released
12:22 29/12/2004
The lists that contain the occupations where there are immediate andlong-term shortages of skilled workers were released today by theDepartment of Labor (Workforce). The Long Term Skill Shortage List...
US - Bush says immigration system not working
9:26 29/12/2004
U.S. President George W. Bush told a press conference recently thatthe immigration system is not working and that he would push for atemporary guest worker program during his second term. TheU.S...
Work Permits UK processing times - December 20
15:09 27/12/2004
Processing times for work permits have not changed much over the last month. A work permit application in the UK takes up to 5 working days. Applicants under the Highly Skilled Migrant Program (HSMP...
UK Work Permits Shortage Occupations List - New Additions
13:48 24/12/2004
Following pressure from the UK Department of Health it is now easierto employ all salaried General Dental Practitioners, Salaried AssistantDentists and Vocational Dental Practitioners in the...