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Immigration news

Young Nigerians no longer allowed to apply for UK visit visas

14:37 11/04/2005
The UK announced that from 11 April 2005, the visa sections in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria, will not accept visa applications from first-time visitors to the UK between the ages of 18 and 30. This...

Error on UK Government website creates HSMP confusion

13:56 11/04/2005
The "Times of India" reports that an error on the UK Home Office website has confused numerous highly-skilled migrant programme (HSMP) applicants, awaiting information on the status of their...

Immigration a key issue in UK elections

9:55 11/04/2005
The issue of immigration has been thrust into the spotlight in UK politics, with both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party calling for tighter immigration laws. Conservative Party leader...

Australia simplifies Humanitarian Program visa procedures

19:02 08/04/2005
Australia simplifies Special Humanitarian Program visa procedures Those who would like to have relatives from Africa and the Middle East come to Australia under Australia's Special Humanitarian...

US assures most Europeans will not need to apply for visitor visas

14:52 08/04/2005
The United States Embassy in London issued a pressrelease on April 7 reassuring British citizens that most would not needvisitor visas, as had been widely reported in the press this week. TheEmbassy...

UK HSMP MBA Provision to start 12 April 2005

15:27 07/04/2005
The UK Home Office has announced that the MBA Provision, as part of the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP), will be launched on 12 April 2005. The MBA Provision is designed to attract skilled...
