EU - Residence permits to be scrapped for EU nationals
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16:27 12/03/2004
EU directive was yesterday adopted by the European Parliament that will make living in other EU countries easier for nationals of EU member states. new law comes into effect in 2006, and stipulates...
EU - Migration fears unfounded
16:18 09/03/2004
A recent study carried out by Eurobarometer found that perceived fears of a huge wave of migration from the new EU Member States after enlargement seem to be unfounded. Even if current EU Member...
Dutch integration course proposed for migrants
14:21 01/03/2004
The Dutch Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk has proposed that all immigrants, both new arrivals and long-term Dutch foreign national residents, need to successfully complete a social integration...
Restrictions on working in the EU for new member states
19:42 27/02/2004
Of all 15 EU member states, only Ireland has decided not to restrictaccess of Central and Eastern European migrants to its labour marketsfrom 1 May. Below you will find details of what...
Belgium grants expats voting rights
17:56 20/02/2004
All ex-patriates living in Brussels, regardless of their nationality, have been granted the right to vote in local municipal elections under a new law approved by the Belgian Parliament on 20...
Netherlands - New rules announced for foreign workers
10:56 16/02/2004
The Dutch government has announced that local employers will only be able to recruit workers from the ten EU accession countries this year if no Dutch person can be found for the position. Despite...